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The Power Of "Pause"

I always get inspiration after read Zen Habits blog. So simple but touch deeply.  One example I have just read is "The Pause Upon Which All Else Relies", he was absolutely right about people who did act without thinking first.  That's why many purpose are failed.  Some article which already read of me said doing urge act without thinking will make some of regret, failed. that's why Leo Babauta shared to take little pause before doing urge act.  That would help full to aniticipate failed and regret in our act.
We can imagine how many people have urge to do some act in urge conditions.  Mostly the conditons are not friendly even give a space to think. But don't let them bother you, just calm down, take little pause and make sure you are in normal condition, after that u can take some act which is needed.  Just remember that emotions, urge conditions, will always force ust to do some quick act, but dont let them bother your concentration to choose which is right and which is false.
I have learn from my own life,  In career, love and common life.  When I was angry, I always regret it 1-2 hours later.  When I was fight with my bf then decided to broke up, I had regret it after 2-3days.  In career, the urge conditon brought me to took urge act which made dissapointed in the end.  So, starting now I wanna throw all of my bad decisions into rubish, I will do pause in minutes before do act.  That the simple best things I could do.
Hai, saya Ire. Bagi saya hidup adalah lifelong learning, pembelajaran yang tiada akhir. Melalui blog ini mari sama-sama belajar sembari sesekali bercerita mengenai kisah perjalanan hidup yang sudah saya lewati :)
